My name is Nichole Elizabeth and it
means: victorious people (Nichole) Gods Oath (Elizabeth) |
last name is Ticknor and it means: I could not find meaning.
I was
given my first name because: My daddy and Mommy liked it.
Yes I
think my name fits me because it fits my personality.
If I
had to select my own name it would be the same because I think it is
I do have a nick name and
that is what I go by and it is Nikki. I think I got it because
it is spunky like me.

Nichole originated in France.
I am not sure about Elizabeth. My surname originated in England.
Two famous people
with my first name are: Nikki Taylor and Nicole Kidman.
Two famous people with
my surname are: Caroline Ticknor (my second cousin, VP of
Hewlett Packard) and George Ticknor (first professor of modern
languages at Harvard College, writer, and co-founder of the Boston
Public Library).